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Machine learning is the creation of systems capable of learning and improving from "experience" and a subset of artificial intelligence. This means that instead of having to be coding a system to be able to perform a certain task in a certain way, the system learns from examples in a way similar to humans (hence artificial intelligence).
These examples can be images, words, audio, video, or a whole range of other possibilities. To read more, here is a an article on the subject published by
In this project, CHI@Edge , end-to-end deep learning is utilized. While E2E (end-to-end) deep learning is a complex topic, it can essentially be boiled down to not decomposing. This refers to how machine learning problems are usually decomposed into sub-problems.
However, E2E deep learning allows for a simplification of the learning process by having input passed to a neural network and receive an output, with relevant details abstracted by the network. For more technical details and discussion about this topic, a question called was posted on the AI Stack Exchange.
An Overview of Machine Learning and Additional Resources for Exploration