Syncing Data from Local Computer to Training Node (Digital Version)
Utilizing the cloud for training instead of the local computer.
Note: you will notice that this digital version is much simpler than when a physical car is involved.
All of the following steps are done on your local computer.
Syncing the Data:
If you have a lot of data, it may be time-efficient to compress the data into a zip file before syncing it.
Note: ~/mycar/data is an example of where the di
Then sync them from the pi to the Chameleon Node:
Note: may need to add key before syncing
Wait for the rsync command to finish (could take a few minutes), then, on the Chameleon node, unzip the data:
Note: if the files are not found, it could be due to a wrong saving location and this requires the individual to find their zip file by browsing with UNIX Commands.
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